Chocolate Souffle Recipe

 A Decadent and Classic Dessert Recipe

If you’re a fan of chocolate desserts, you’ve probably heard of chocolate soufflé. This classic French dessert is known for its light, airy texture and rich chocolate flavor. While it may seem intimidating to make, with a little practice, you can master the art of soufflé-making and impress your guests with this show-stopping dessert.

Chocolate Souffle

To make a chocolate soufflé, you’ll need a few key ingredients, including chocolate, eggs, sugar, and butter. The process involves whipping egg whites to stiff peaks and carefully folding them into a mixture of melted chocolate, egg yolks, and sugar. The soufflés are then baked until they rise and form a delicate crust on top. The result is a warm, decadent dessert that’s sure to satisfy any chocolate lover.

While making a chocolate soufflé can be a bit tricky, don’t let that discourage you. With a few tips and tricks, you can make a delicious soufflé that’s sure to impress. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of making a chocolate soufflé, from gathering your ingredients to serving up the finished product. So put on your apron and get ready to whip up a dessert that’s as impressive as it is delicious.

History of Chocolate Souffle

Chocolate Souffle

Origin and Evolution

Chocolate souffle is a classic French dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. The word “souffle” comes from the French verb “souffler,” which means “to blow” or “to puff.” This refers to the light and airy texture of the dish, which is achieved by incorporating beaten egg whites into a rich chocolate base.

The first recorded appearance of a souffle-like dish dates back to the early 18th century in France. At that time, it was a savory dish made with cheese and other ingredients. Over time, the dish evolved to include sweet flavors, and chocolate became a popular choice.

Today, chocolate souffle is a beloved dessert that is enjoyed around the world. It is often served as a special treat on holidays and special occasions.

Global Variations

While chocolate souffle is most commonly associated with French cuisine, there are many variations of the dish that can be found around the world. Italy, for example, a similar dish called “zabaglione” is made with egg yolks, sugar, and sweet Marsala wine.

United States, chocolate souffle is often served with a side of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. In Mexico, a similar dish called “chocoflan” combines chocolate cake with caramel flan.

No matter where you go, chocolate souffle remains a beloved dessert that is sure to delight your taste buds. Whether you enjoy it at a fancy restaurant or make it at home, this classic dish is sure to impress your friends and family.

Essential Ingredients

Chocolate Souffle

When it comes to making a chocolate souffle, the quality of the ingredients you use plays a significant role in the final outcome. In this section, we will discuss the essential ingredients you need to make a perfect chocolate souffle.

Quality of Chocolate

The quality of chocolate you use is crucial for the taste and texture of your chocolate souffle. It is recommended that you use high-quality dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids. The cocoa solids give the chocolate its rich flavor and color, and the higher the percentage, the richer the flavor.

Using low-quality chocolate can result in a souffle that is too sweet or lacks depth of flavor. It is also important to use chocolate that is specifically meant for baking, as regular eating chocolate may not melt properly and can cause the souffle to become grainy.

Eggs and Their Role

Eggs are a crucial ingredient in a chocolate souffle, as they provide structure and help the souffle rise. It is recommended that you use fresh eggs at room temperature for the best results. The egg whites are beaten to stiff peaks and folded into the chocolate mixture, while the egg yolks are used to add richness and flavor.

It is important to separate the egg whites and yolks carefully, as any trace of yolk in the whites can prevent them from whipping to stiff peaks. Additionally, overbeating the egg whites can cause them to become dry and grainy, which can affect the texture of the souffle.

Additional Flavorings

While chocolate is the star ingredient in a chocolate souffle, you can enhance its flavor by adding additional flavorings. Common flavorings include vanilla extract, espresso powder, and liqueurs such as Grand Marnier or Kahlua.

When adding additional flavorings, it is important to use them sparingly, as they can overpower the chocolate flavor. Additionally, any liquid added to the chocolate mixture can affect the texture of the souffle, so it is important to add them in small amounts and adjust the recipe accordingly.

Equipment and Tools

Oven Requirements

To make a delicious chocolate souffle, you will need a reliable oven that can maintain a consistent temperature. A conventional oven is the best option for baking a souffle, but a convection oven can also be used. Make sure that the oven is preheated to the right temperature before baking the souffle.

The ideal temperature for baking a chocolate souffle is around 375°F (190°C). If your oven has hot spots, you may need to rotate the souffle during the baking process to ensure that it cooks evenly.

Mixing and Baking Utensils

To prepare and bake a chocolate souffle, you will need a few essential tools and utensils. Here are some of the items that you will need:

  • Mixing bowls: You will need at least two mixing bowls, one for mixing the chocolate base and another for whisking the egg whites.
  • Whisk: A whisk is essential for whisking the egg whites to stiff peaks. You can use a hand whisk or an electric whisk.
  • Spatula: A spatula is useful for folding the egg whites into the chocolate base.
  • Ramekins: Ramekins are small, oven-safe dishes that are used to bake the souffle. You will need enough ramekins to hold the souffle mixture.
  • Baking sheet: A baking sheet is useful for placing the ramekins in the oven and catching any spills or drips.

Make sure that all your utensils are clean and dry before you start preparing the souffle. Any grease or moisture can affect the texture of the souffle.

Using the right equipment and tools is crucial for making the perfect chocolate souffle. With the right tools at hand, you can easily prepare and bake a delicious souffle that will impress your guests.

Preparing the Souffle Base

Before you can create a delicious chocolate souffle, you need to prepare the base. This involves melting the chocolate and mixing the ingredients properly. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Melting Chocolate Technique

To melt the chocolate, you can use one of two techniques: the double boiler method or the microwave method. The double boiler method involves placing a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water. Make sure the bowl does not touch the water. Add the chocolate to the bowl and stir until it is melted. This method is slower but safer, as it reduces the risk of burning the chocolate.

Alternatively, you can use the microwave method. Place the chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and heat it in 30-second intervals, stirring between each interval until it is melted. This method is faster but requires more attention to avoid burning the chocolate.

Mixing Ingredients

Once the chocolate is melted, you can mix it with the other ingredients. In a separate bowl, whisk together egg yolks, sugar, and any additional flavorings, such as vanilla extract. Be sure to whisk until the mixture is pale and frothy.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. This will create the airy texture that is essential to a souffle. Gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture in batches until everything is combined.

It is important to use an active voice when mixing the ingredients to ensure that everything is properly combined. This will help to create a smooth and consistent texture throughout the souffle.

By following these steps, you can prepare the perfect base for your chocolate souffle. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create a delicious dessert that is sure to impress your guests.

Whipping Egg Whites

Chocolate Souffle

Making a chocolate souffle requires you to be very careful when whipping egg whites. This is because the egg whites are what give the souffle its signature light and airy texture. In this section, we will cover two important aspects of whipping egg whites for a chocolate souffle: achieving stiff peaks and folding them into the base.

Achieving Stiff Peaks

To achieve stiff peaks, you need to start with room temperature egg whites. Cold egg whites will not whip up as well. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and place them in a clean, dry mixing bowl. It is important that there is no trace of yolk or oil in the bowl, as this can prevent the egg whites from whipping properly.

Start whipping the egg whites on low speed until they become frothy. Then, increase the speed to medium and gradually add sugar, about a tablespoon at a time. The sugar helps to stabilize the egg whites and gives them a glossy finish. Continue whipping until the egg whites form stiff peaks, which means they hold their shape when you lift the beater out of the bowl.

Folding into the Base

Once you have achieved stiff peaks, it’s time to fold the egg whites into the chocolate base. This is a delicate process that requires a gentle touch. Start by adding a small amount of the egg whites to the chocolate base and gently folding them in with a spatula. This helps to lighten the base and make it easier to fold in the rest of the egg whites.

Next, add the remaining egg whites to the chocolate base and fold them in gently. Be sure to use a spatula to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl to make sure everything is evenly mixed. It’s important not to overmix the batter at this stage, as this can cause the egg whites to deflate and ruin the souffle’s texture.

In conclusion, achieving stiff peaks and folding egg whites into the chocolate base are crucial steps in making a perfect chocolate souffle. By following these steps carefully, you can achieve a light, airy, and delicious dessert that is sure to impress your guests.

Baking the Souffle

Chocolate Souffle

Making a chocolate souffle is not as difficult as it seems. With the right temperature, timing, and techniques, you can bake a perfect souffle every time. Here are some tips to help you bake a delicious chocolate souffle.

Temperature and Timing

The most important thing when baking a souffle is to get the temperature and timing right. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) before you start mixing the ingredients. The oven should be hot enough to bake the souffle but not too hot that it burns.

Once you have mixed the ingredients, pour the batter into the greased ramekins and place them on a baking sheet. Bake the souffle for 12-15 minutes until it has risen and the top is golden brown. The timing may vary depending on your oven, so keep an eye on the souffle while it’s baking.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes when making a souffle is overbeating the egg whites. Overbeating can cause the souffle to collapse or become too dense. Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks but are still glossy.

Another mistake is opening the oven door while the souffle is baking. This can cause the souffle to fall or not rise properly. Avoid opening the oven door until the souffle is fully baked.

Finally, make sure to serve the souffle immediately after baking. A souffle can only hold its shape for a few minutes before it starts to deflate. Serve it with a dusting of powdered sugar or a dollop of whipped cream for an extra touch of sweetness.

By following these tips and techniques, you can bake a delicious chocolate souffle that is sure to impress.

Presentation and Serving

When it comes to serving chocolate soufflé, presentation is key. The dish is visually impressive and should be served immediately after it comes out of the oven, while it is still puffed up and airy. Here are some tips for presenting and serving chocolate soufflé:

Plating Techniques

  • Use a spoon to make a small indentation in the top of the soufflé, and then dust it with powdered sugar or cocoa powder for a beautiful finish.
  • Place the soufflé on a decorative plate or dish, and add a sprig of fresh mint or a few berries for a pop of color.
  • Serve the soufflé with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.

Accompaniments and Pairings

Chocolate soufflé pairs well with a variety of accompaniments, such as:

  • Fresh fruit, such as raspberries, strawberries, or sliced bananas, which add a sweet and tangy contrast to the rich chocolate flavor.
  • A glass of red wine, such as a full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon or a fruity Pinot Noir, which complement the chocolatey notes in the soufflé.
  • A cup of coffee or espresso, which provides a bitter contrast to the sweet dessert.

Remember, the key to serving chocolate soufflé is to keep it simple and let the dish shine on its own. With the right plating techniques and accompaniments, you can create a beautiful and delicious dessert that is sure to impress your guests.

Nutritional Information

When it comes to dessert, chocolate souffle is a classic that many people can’t resist. However, if you’re watching your diet, you may be wondering about the nutritional content of this indulgent treat. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the caloric content and dietary considerations of chocolate souffle.

Chocolate Souffle

Caloric Content

Chocolate souffle is a rich and decadent dessert that is high in calories. According to FatSecret, one cup of chocolate souffle contains 351 calories. This is largely due to the high fat content, with 19.5 grams of total fat and 11.352 grams of saturated fat. In addition, chocolate souffle contains 44.69 grams of carbohydrates, 41.63 grams of which are sugars.

Dietary Considerations

While chocolate souffle may be a delicious treat, it is important to consider dietary restrictions and health concerns. For example, if you are lactose intolerant, you may want to avoid chocolate souffle recipes that contain milk or cream. If you are watching your cholesterol intake, you should be aware that chocolate souffle contains 119 milligrams of cholesterol per serving.

On the other hand, chocolate souffle does have some nutritional benefits. For example, it contains small amounts of dietary fiber, with 1.9 grams per serving. Additionally, chocolate contains antioxidants that may have health benefits. However, it is important to keep in mind that chocolate souffle is still a high-calorie dessert and should be enjoyed in moderation.

In summary, chocolate souffle is a delicious and indulgent dessert that is high in calories and fat. However, it can still be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, as long as it is consumed in moderation. If you have specific dietary restrictions or health concerns, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating chocolate souffle into your diet.

Recipe Variations

If you’re looking to mix things up with your chocolate souffle, there are plenty of recipe variations to try. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Diet-Friendly Options

If you’re looking for a healthier version of chocolate souffle, there are a few ways to cut down on calories and fat. One option is to use a sugar substitute like stevia or erythritol instead of regular sugar. Another option is to use unsweetened cocoa powder instead of chocolate chips or bars, which can be high in sugar and fat. You can also use low-fat milk or almond milk instead of heavy cream to lighten up the recipe.

Flavor Twists

If you want to add some extra flavor to your chocolate souffle, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg to the recipe for a warm, spicy flavor.
  • Add a tablespoon of espresso powder to the recipe for a rich, coffee flavor.
  • Add a tablespoon of orange zest to the recipe for a bright, citrusy flavor.
  • Top the souffle with fresh berries or whipped cream for a fruity or creamy twist.

You can also experiment with different types of chocolate, like dark chocolate or white chocolate, to create a unique flavor profile. Just be sure to adjust the recipe accordingly based on the type of chocolate you’re using.

Overall, there are plenty of ways to customize your chocolate souffle recipe to suit your tastes and dietary needs. Whether you’re looking to cut down on calories or add some extra flavor, these recipe variations are a great place to start.

Cleanup and Storage

After enjoying your delicious chocolate soufflé, it’s time to clean up and store any leftovers properly. Here are some tips to ensure that your soufflé stays fresh and tasty:

Proper Storage Techniques

If you have any leftover chocolate soufflé, it’s important to store it correctly to prevent it from drying out or becoming stale. The best way to store your soufflé is to wrap it tightly with plastic wrap and place it in an airtight container. This will help to keep the soufflé moist and prevent it from absorbing any odors from other foods in your fridge.

Make sure to label the container with the date so you know when you made the soufflé. Chocolate soufflés can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days. However, it’s best to eat it as soon as possible to ensure that it tastes its best.

Reheating Leftovers

To reheat your leftover chocolate soufflé, preheat your oven to 350°F. Remove the plastic wrap from the soufflé and place it in a small oven-safe dish. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 5-7 minutes, or until the soufflé is heated through.

You can also reheat your soufflé in the microwave. Place the soufflé on a microwave-safe plate and microwave on high for 10-15 seconds. Be careful not to overheat the soufflé, as it can become dry and lose its fluffy texture.

Remember that reheating your soufflé may cause it to deflate slightly, but it should still taste delicious. Enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential ingredients for making a chocolate soufflé?

The essential ingredients for making a chocolate soufflé are chocolate, butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Some recipes also call for milk or cream, but these are not necessary.

What steps can be taken to ensure a chocolate soufflé rises properly?

To ensure a chocolate soufflé rises properly, it is important to properly butter and sugar the ramekins or baking dish. This helps the soufflé rise evenly and not stick to the sides. It is also important to gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, being careful not to overmix or deflate the egg whites.

Can you substitute cocoa powder for chocolate in a soufflé recipe?

It is not recommended to substitute cocoa powder for chocolate in a soufflé recipe. The chocolate provides both flavor and structure to the soufflé, while cocoa powder does not have the same properties.

How do you properly pronounce ‘soufflé’ when referring to the chocolate dessert?

The proper pronunciation of ‘soufflé’ when referring to the chocolate dessert is “soo-flay.”

What distinguishes a chocolate soufflé from a chocolate mousse?

A chocolate soufflé is a light and airy dessert that rises in the oven and is served hot, while a chocolate mousse is a chilled dessert that is typically denser and creamier in texture.

Are there any simplified methods for creating a chocolate soufflé at home?

Yes, there are simplified methods for creating a chocolate soufflé at home. Some recipes call for using a microwave instead of a double boiler, or for using a blender to mix the ingredients instead of whisking by hand. However, these methods may not produce the same results as the traditional method and may require some trial and error.

External Links

Looking for more information on chocolate souffle? Check out these external links:

  • Sally’s Baking Addiction: This blog post provides a detailed recipe for making chocolate souffle, as well as tips and tricks for getting the perfect rise.
  • Martha Stewart: Martha Stewart’s website offers a classic recipe for chocolate souffle, complete with step-by-step instructions and helpful photos.
  • Little Sweet Baker: This blog post provides a foolproof method for making chocolate souffle, along with lots of helpful tips and tricks.
  • Natasha’s Kitchen: This video tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to making the best chocolate souffle, with lots of helpful tips and tricks along the way.
  • Food Network: This classic recipe from Ina Garten is sure to impress your dinner guests.

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, these external links provide a wealth of information on making the perfect chocolate souffle. From classic recipes to foolproof methods, there’s something here for everyone. So why not give it a try and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills?

More FAQs

Here are some more frequently asked questions about chocolate souffle:

What are some interesting facts about chocolate souffle?

  • Chocolate souffle is a classic French dessert that originated in the 18th century.
  • The word “souffle” comes from the French verb “souffler” which means “to blow” or “to puff”.
  • The magic of the souffle is in the egg whites which contribute to the airy and fluffy texture, as well as the dramatic rise on the dessert.

Why is chocolate souffle hard to make?

Chocolate souffle can be a challenging dessert to make because it requires precision and attention to detail. Here are some reasons why it can be difficult:

  • The souffle can collapse if it is not cooked properly or if it is overcooked.
  • The egg whites must be whipped to the right consistency, otherwise, the souffle will not rise properly.
  • The oven temperature must be just right, otherwise, the souffle may not cook evenly.

What can cause a soufflé to fall?

There are several factors that can cause a souffle to fall, including:

  • Overbeating or underbeating the egg whites.
  • Overcooking or undercooking the souffle.
  • Opening the oven door too often or too early.
  • Not adding enough sugar or chocolate to the souffle.

What is the secret to a good soufflé?

The secret to a good souffle is in the details. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect chocolate souffle:

  • Use high-quality chocolate and fresh eggs.
  • Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks.
  • Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture gently.
  • Bake the souffle in a preheated oven without opening the door until it is done.
  • Serve the souffle immediately after it comes out of the oven.


Congratulations! You’ve learned how to make a delicious chocolate souffle. Remember to follow the steps carefully, from preparing the ramekins to baking the souffle.

To recap, you’ll need high-quality chocolate, eggs, butter, sugar, and a few other ingredients. You’ll also need to properly prepare your ramekins by buttering and sugaring them before adding the chocolate mixture.

Once you’ve baked your souffle, you can serve it immediately with a dusting of powdered sugar or a dollop of whipped cream.

Remember, making a souffle can be a bit tricky, but with practice, you’ll become an expert. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempt doesn’t turn out perfectly. Just keep trying, and soon you’ll be making beautiful, fluffy souffles every time.


Chocolate Souffle Recipe

Chocolate Soufflé

  • Author: Anna
  • Prep Time: PT30M
  • Cook Time: PT25M
  • Total Time: PT55M
  • Yield: 6 servings 1x
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: French
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup granulated sugar, divided
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 6 large eggs, separated


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Grease the ramekins with butter and dust with sugar.
  2. In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add flour and whisk continuously for 2 minutes to form a roux.
  3. Gradually whisk in the milk until smooth and thickened. Remove from heat.
  4. Stir in 3/4 cup sugar, cocoa powder, bittersweet chocolate, vanilla extract, and salt until well combined. Allow the mixture to cool slightly.
  5. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time until smooth.
  6. In a separate clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually add the remaining 1/4 cup sugar and continue beating until glossy stiff peaks form.
  7. Gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture until no white streaks remain.
  8. Spoon the mixture into the prepared ramekins, filling each to the top.
  9. Run your thumb around the inside edge of each ramekin to create a shallow trench.
  10. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the soufflés are puffed and set on top.
  11. Serve immediately, dusted with powdered sugar or topped with whipped cream if desired.


Ensure that the egg whites are beaten until stiff peaks form for a light and airy soufflé. Serve immediately, as soufflés tend to deflate quickly. Adjust sugar quantity based on personal preference for sweetness.


  • Calories: Calories will vary based on specific ingredients and serving size

Keywords: Chocolate Souffle

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