Pastina Recipe

A Simple and Delicious Italian Classic

Pastina is a beloved Italian comfort food that has been enjoyed for generations. This simple dish is made with small, star-shaped pasta simmered in chicken broth and mixed with butter and cheese. It comes together in less than 5 minutes and is the ultimate bowl of comfort with endless variations. Some folks make theirs more like a carbonara with raw egg, but the simpler version is just as tasty.

Pastina is a versatile dish that can be customized to fit any taste preference. It can be made with different types of pasta, such as orzo or ditalini, and can be served with a variety of toppings, such as grated Parmesan cheese, chopped fresh herbs, or crispy bacon bits. It can also be made with different types of broth, such as vegetable or beef, to suit different dietary needs. Whether you prefer a classic version or a modern twist, pastina is a dish that can be enjoyed by everyone.

History of Pastina


Pastina is a small, star-shaped pasta that has been a staple in Italian cuisine for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to ancient times when pasta-making techniques were developed in various regions of Italy. According to Grandma Toaster, pasta, in general, has a history dating back thousands of years, with evidence of its existence found in archaeological discoveries in Italy.

The word “pastina” means “little pasta” in Italian, and it is believed to have been created as a pasta for young children since the small shape is easy for little hands to pick up and eat. The tiny pasta pieces are also quick-cooking and ideal for soups. Pastina has been a nourishing, soothing food in Italian homes for generations.

Cultural Significance

Pastina is quintessentially Italian and has a rich history rooted deeply in Italian culinary traditions. As per Recipe Shots, it is a beloved comfort food that has evolved from a peasant food to a staple in Italian cuisine. It is often served as a first course or side dish, and it can be made with a variety of ingredients, including chicken broth, butter, and cheese.

In addition to its cultural significance in Italy, pastina has also gained popularity in other parts of the world, particularly in the United States, where it is often served as a quick and easy meal for children. Despite its simplicity, pastina remains a beloved comfort food that has stood the test of time.

Essential Ingredients

Pastina is a simple yet delicious Italian dish that can be made with just a few essential ingredients. These ingredients include pastina pasta, broth, olive oil, and grated Parmesan cheese.

Types of Pastina

Pastina is a small, star-shaped pasta that is perfect for this dish. However, there are a few other types of pastina that can also be used, such as orzo or acini di pepe. Orzo is a rice-shaped pasta that is slightly larger than pastina, while acini di pepe is a tiny, ball-shaped pasta that is slightly smaller than pastina.

Additional Ingredients

While the essential ingredients for pastina are simple, there are a few additional ingredients that can be added to enhance the flavor of the dish. Some popular additions include finely chopped onion, carrot, and celery, as well as minced garlic. These ingredients are typically sautéed in olive oil before adding the broth and pasta.

Another popular addition is raw egg, which can be mixed with the hot pasta and broth to create a creamy, carbonara-like sauce. However, this is an optional addition and not necessary for a delicious pastina dish.

Overall, the essential ingredients for pastina are simple and easy to find, and the additional ingredients can be adjusted to suit your preferences. With just a few ingredients and a little bit of time, you can enjoy a delicious and comforting bowl of pastina.

Kitchen Tools Needed

Preparing pastina requires only a few basic kitchen tools, most of which are likely already on hand. Here are the essential kitchen tools needed to make pastina:

Large Saucepan

A large saucepan is necessary for boiling the pastina. A 3-quart saucepan is recommended for cooking one box of pastina. A larger saucepan may be needed if cooking more than one box of pastina.

Wooden Spoon

A wooden spoon is ideal for stirring the pastina while it cooks. It is gentle on the pasta and won’t scratch the surface of the saucepan.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Measuring cups and spoons are necessary for measuring the pastina, broth, milk, and other ingredients accurately. A 1/3 cup measuring cup is recommended for measuring the grated parmesan cheese.


A grater is required to grate the parmesan cheese. A fine grater is recommended to ensure the cheese is finely grated.


A ladle is useful for transferring the broth into the saucepan. It is also helpful for serving the pastina into bowls.

Bowls and Spoons

Bowls and spoons are necessary for serving the pastina. The bowls should be deep enough to hold the pastina and broth.

Preparation Basics

Cooking Techniques

Cooking pastina is a straightforward process. The pasta is cooked in chicken broth until most of the liquid is absorbed. Some recipes may call for the pasta to be cooked in water, but cooking it in chicken broth adds more flavor to the dish.

To cook the pasta, bring the chicken broth to a boil, add the pastina, and stir occasionally. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until the pasta is tender. The cooking time will vary depending on the type of pasta used.

Timing and Texture

Timing is crucial when cooking pastina. Overcooking can result in mushy pasta, while undercooking can leave the pasta too hard. The pasta should be cooked until it is al dente, meaning it is cooked but still has a firm texture.

To achieve the perfect texture, it is essential to follow the cooking time instructions on the pasta package. However, it is always a good idea to check the pasta a few minutes before the recommended cooking time to ensure it doesn’t overcook.

Once the pasta is cooked, it should be immediately stirred with an egg and grated Parmesan cheese while it’s still warm. This will create a creamy and cheesy texture that is a signature of pastina recipes.

Overall, cooking pastina is a simple process that requires attention to timing and texture. By following the instructions carefully and using the right techniques, anyone can create a delicious and comforting bowl of pastina in no time.

Classic Pastina Recipe

pastina recipe

Pastina is a classic Italian dish that is simple, comforting, and perfect for a quick meal. This dish is typically made with small star-shaped pasta simmered in chicken broth and then mixed with butter and cheese. Here is a classic recipe for pastina that is easy to make and tastes delicious.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To make classic pastina, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of pastina
  • 1 cup of chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Here are the step-by-step instructions to make classic pastina:

  1. Bring the chicken broth to a boil in a small saucepan.
  2. Add the pastina to the boiling chicken broth and stir.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 5 minutes or until the pastina is cooked.
  4. Add the butter, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper to the saucepan and stir until the butter is melted and the cheese is melted and creamy.
  5. Serve the pastina hot and enjoy!

Serving Suggestions

Classic pastina is a versatile dish that can be served in many different ways. Here are a few serving suggestions to try:

  • Top the pastina with fresh herbs, such as parsley or basil, for added flavor and color.
  • Serve the pastina as a side dish with roasted or grilled chicken, fish, or vegetables.
  • Make a larger batch of pastina and store it in the refrigerator for quick and easy meals throughout the week.
  • Add cooked vegetables, such as peas or carrots, to the pastina for a more filling and nutritious meal.
  • Use different types of cheese, such as cheddar or mozzarella, for a different flavor and texture.

Overall, classic pastina is a simple and delicious dish that can be enjoyed by everyone. With just a few ingredients and some basic cooking skills, anyone can make this classic Italian dish in no time.

Variations of Pastina

Pastina is a versatile dish that can be customized to suit different tastes and dietary restrictions. Here are a few variations to try:

Vegetarian Options

For vegetarians, pastina can be made with vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. One can also add a variety of vegetables such as spinach, peas, carrots, and zucchini to the broth for a more nutritious meal. Parmesan cheese can be replaced with nutritional yeast for a vegan version of the dish.

Meat-Based Variants

For meat lovers, one can add cooked ground beef, chicken or turkey to the dish for added protein. Alternatively, one can add diced ham or bacon to the broth for a salty and smoky flavor. Sausage can also be added to the dish for a more savory taste.

It is important to note that while pastina is a simple dish, it can be easily customized to suit different tastes and preferences. By experimenting with different ingredients, one can create a unique and delicious version of this classic Italian dish.

Nutritional Information

Pastina is a small, star-shaped pasta that is a favorite among Italian children and adults alike. It is typically made with chicken broth, parmesan cheese, and butter, making it a warm and comforting dish that is perfect for cold winter nights.

While pastina is a delicious and satisfying meal, it is important to note that it is not the healthiest option. One cup of cooked pastina contains approximately 200 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 42 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains 7 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.

If you are looking to make your pastina dish healthier, there are a few things you can do. First, you can use low-sodium chicken broth to reduce the amount of sodium in the dish. You can also add vegetables such as carrots, celery, and onions to increase the nutrient content of the meal.

Another option is to use whole wheat pastina instead of regular pastina. Whole wheat pastina contains more fiber and protein than regular pastina, making it a healthier option. Additionally, you can use low-fat milk instead of whole milk to reduce the fat content of the dish.

Overall, pastina is a delicious and comforting meal that can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

Storing and Reheating


After cooking pastina, it is important to store it properly to ensure its freshness and taste. To refrigerate pastina, transfer it to an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking. Pastina can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days.

When reheating refrigerated pastina, add a small amount of liquid such as broth or water to the pasta to prevent it from drying out. Heat it in a saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it is heated through.


If you have leftover pastina that you do not plan to consume within four days, you can freeze it to extend its shelf life. To freeze pastina, let it cool completely to room temperature before transferring it to an airtight container or a freezer-safe plastic bag. Freeze for up to three months.

When reheating frozen pastina, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator before reheating. Add a small amount of liquid such as broth or water to the pasta to prevent it from drying out. Heat it in a saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it is heated through.

To avoid freezer burn, make sure to remove as much air as possible from the container or plastic bag before freezing. It is also important to label the container or plastic bag with the date of freezing to keep track of its shelf life.

Overall, pastina can be stored and reheated easily with proper techniques. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the same delicious taste and texture of pastina even after refrigeration or freezing.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

pastina recipe

Cooking pastina is a simple process, but even the most experienced cooks can run into issues. Here are some common problems and solutions to help you troubleshoot your pastina recipe.

Issue: Pasta is Overcooked

Overcooked pasta is mushy and unappetizing. To prevent this, make sure to cook the pasta for the recommended time on the package. For pastina, this is typically around 5-10 minutes. If you’re not sure, start checking the pasta a minute or two before the recommended time.

Issue: Pasta is Undercooked

Undercooked pasta is tough and chewy. To avoid this, make sure to cook the pasta for the recommended time on the package. If you’re not sure, start checking the pasta a minute or two before the recommended time. If the pasta is still undercooked, continue cooking it in 30-second intervals until it’s done to your liking.

Issue: Pasta is Sticking Together

Pasta that sticks together can be frustrating to deal with. To prevent this, make sure to use plenty of water when cooking the pasta. A good rule of thumb is to use 4-6 quarts of water for every pound of pasta. Also, make sure to stir the pasta frequently while it’s cooking to prevent it from sticking together.

Issue: Pasta is Dry

Dry pasta can be unappetizing and difficult to eat. To prevent this, make sure to use enough liquid when cooking the pasta. For pastina, this is typically around 2 cups of liquid for every 1 cup of pasta. If the pasta is still dry after cooking, try adding a little more liquid or butter to the dish.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can ensure that your pastina recipe turns out perfectly every time.

Pairing with Other Dishes

Side Dishes

Pastina is a versatile dish that can be paired with a variety of sides to create a balanced meal. One popular option is to serve pastina with a side of steamed vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, or green beans. This provides a healthy dose of vitamins and fiber to the meal. Another option is to pair pastina with a simple salad of mixed greens, tomatoes, and cucumbers dressed with a light vinaigrette. This adds a refreshing crunch to the meal and helps balance out the richness of the pasta.

For a heartier meal, pastina can be served alongside grilled or roasted meats such as chicken, beef, or pork. This adds protein to the meal and helps make it more filling. Another option is to serve pastina with a side of roasted root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beets, or parsnips. This adds a depth of flavor and texture to the meal.

Wine Pairings

When it comes to wine pairings, pastina is a versatile dish that can be paired with a variety of wines depending on the ingredients and preparation method. For a classic pastina with butter and Parmesan cheese, a crisp white wine such as Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc pairs well. The acidity of the wine helps cut through the richness of the cheese and butter.

If the pastina is prepared with tomato sauce, a light-bodied red wine such as Chianti or Barbera pairs well. The acidity of the tomato sauce complements the acidity of the wine, creating a harmonious pairing. For a pastina dish with meat, a full-bodied red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot pairs well. The tannins in the wine help cut through the richness of the meat and add depth of flavor to the meal.

Overall, pairing pastina with the right side dishes and wine can elevate the meal and create a well-balanced dining experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

pastina recipe

What are the basic ingredients needed for a simple pastina recipe?

To make a simple pastina recipe, you will need pastina pasta, water, salt, and butter. You can also add grated cheese and black pepper to taste.

How can I adapt a pastina recipe to be suitable for infants?

Pastina is a great option for infants who are just starting to eat solid foods. To make it suitable for infants, cook the pasta until it is very soft and cut it into small pieces. You can also add a small amount of breast milk or formula to make it creamier and easier to swallow.

What are some common substitutes for pastina if I don’t have it available?

If you don’t have pastina available, you can substitute it with other small pasta shapes such as orzo, acini di pepe, or couscous. You can also use broken spaghetti or angel hair pasta.

Can pastina be used in a soup, and if so, what are some tips for making it?

Yes, pastina can be used in soups. To make pastina soup, cook the pasta separately and then add it to the soup just before serving. This will prevent the pasta from becoming too mushy. You can also cook the pasta directly in the soup, but be sure to add enough liquid to compensate for the pasta’s absorption.

What are the health benefits associated with eating pastina?

Pastina is a good source of carbohydrates and protein. It is also low in fat and calories, making it a healthy option for those who are watching their weight. Additionally, pastina is easy to digest, making it a good option for people with digestive issues.

How do I incorporate chicken broth into a pastina recipe for added flavor?

To incorporate chicken broth into a pastina recipe, simply replace the water with chicken broth. This will add a savory flavor to the pasta. You can also add chicken broth to the pasta after it is cooked to make it creamier.

External Links

For those who want to learn more about pastina recipes, there are plenty of external resources available online. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Savory Experiments provides a simple and quick recipe for creamy Italian pastina that can be made in less than five minutes. The recipe calls for small, star-shaped pasta simmered in chicken broth and then mixed with butter and cheese, making it the ultimate bowl of comfort with endless variations.
  • I’m Hungry For That offers a creamy and cheesy pastina recipe that is super simple to make. The recipe calls for chicken broth and pastina, and can be made using ingredients that are commonly found in most kitchens.
  • Kitchn provides an easy and cheesy pasta recipe that requires just five ingredients. The recipe calls for Parmesan cheese, chicken broth, and pastina, and can be made in less than 30 minutes.
  • Kathryn’s Kitchen offers a quick and comforting Italian pastina recipe that can be made using any small pasta that you can find. The recipe calls for milk, butter, and Parmesan cheese, making it a creamy and delicious dish that is perfect for any occasion.
  • Cookies and Cups provides a simple and comforting Italian pastina recipe that can be made using just a few easy-to-come-by ingredients. The recipe calls for pastina, milk, and Parmesan cheese, making it a perfect dish for those who want a quick and easy meal.

These external links offer a variety of options for those who want to try making pastina at home. Whether you prefer a creamy and cheesy dish or a simple and comforting bowl of pasta, there is a recipe out there that will suit your tastes.

More Faqs

pastina recipe

What is pastina made of?

Pastina is a type of pasta that is typically made from durum wheat semolina flour. The pasta is usually cut into small shapes, such as stars or circles, and is often used in soups and other dishes. Some brands of pastina may also contain other ingredients, such as eggs or milk, so it’s important to check the label if you have any dietary restrictions.

What pasta is similar to pastina?

If you can’t find pastina at your local grocery store, there are a few other types of pasta that you can use as a substitute. Orzo, which is a small, rice-shaped pasta, is a popular alternative to pastina and can be used in many of the same dishes. Another option is acini di pepe, which is similar in size and shape to pastina but has a slightly different texture.

Why does pastina make me feel better?

Many people find that pastina is a comforting food that makes them feel better when they are sick or feeling down. This may be due in part to the fact that pastina is often served in warm, comforting soups and broths. Additionally, pastina is a simple food that is easy to digest, which can be helpful when you’re not feeling well.

Can you reheat pastina?

Yes, you can reheat pastina if it has been stored properly. To reheat cooked pastina, simply place it in a microwave-safe bowl and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until it is heated through. You can also reheat pastina on the stovetop by adding a small amount of water or broth and heating it over low heat until it is warmed through. However, be aware that reheating pasta can sometimes change its texture, so it may not be quite as good as when it was freshly cooked.


In conclusion, pastina is a versatile and delicious pasta that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It is easy to prepare and can be made in a matter of minutes, making it a great option for busy weeknights.

Some popular ways to enjoy pastina include adding it to soups, casseroles, and salads. It can also be cooked with butter and cheese for a creamy and comforting dish.

When preparing pastina, it is important to choose a high-quality pasta and to cook it al dente for the best texture. Additionally, using homemade chicken broth can add extra flavor to the dish.

Overall, pastina is a great addition to any pasta lover’s repertoire. With its simplicity and versatility, it is sure to become a staple in any kitchen.

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