Seared Tuna Poke Bowl Recipe

A Delicious and Healthy Meal Option

If you’re looking for a healthy and delicious meal that’s easy to make, look no further than the seared tuna poke bowl. This dish originated in Hawaii and has become a popular choice for those looking for a fresh and flavorful meal. The dish typically consists of seared or raw ahi tuna, rice, and various vegetables and sauces.

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

To make a seared tuna poke bowl, you’ll need to start with high-quality ahi tuna. Look for sushi-grade tuna that is fresh and firm to the touch. You’ll also need to cook the rice and prepare the vegetables and sauces. Once you have all of your ingredients ready, it’s time to assemble the bowl. Start with a base of rice, add the vegetables and sauces, and top with the seared tuna. The result is a beautiful and delicious meal that’s packed with flavor and nutrients.

By using active voice and transition words, you can create a clear and concise article that guides the reader through the process of making a seared tuna poke bowl. Whether you’re an experienced chef or a beginner in the kitchen, this dish is a great choice for anyone looking for a healthy and delicious meal. So why not give it a try and see for yourself why the seared tuna poke bowl has become such a popular choice?

History of Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

If you’re a fan of poke bowls, then you’ve probably tried the seared tuna poke bowl at least once. This delicious dish has a rich history that dates back to ancient Hawaiian cuisine. In this section, we’ll explore the origins of the seared tuna poke bowl and its global popularity.

Origins in Hawaiian Cuisine

The poke bowl is a traditional Hawaiian dish that has been around for centuries. Poke, which means “to slice or cut,” originally consisted of raw fish that was seasoned with sea salt, seaweed, and crushed coconut. The dish was typically served as an appetizer or snack, and it was a popular choice among native Polynesians.

Over time, the poke bowl has evolved to include a variety of different ingredients, including rice, vegetables, and sauces. The seared tuna poke bowl, in particular, has become a fan favorite in recent years. This version of the dish features seared ahi tuna, which is typically marinated in soy sauce, sesame oil, and other seasonings before being seared to perfection.

Global Popularity

In recent years, the seared tuna poke bowl has become a popular dish around the world. It’s easy to see why – the combination of fresh fish, rice, and vegetables makes for a delicious and healthy meal that’s perfect for any time of day.

Today, you can find seared tuna poke bowls on the menu at many different types of restaurants, from fast-casual chains to high-end sushi restaurants. The dish has even inspired many home cooks to try their hand at making their own poke bowls at home.

Overall, the seared tuna poke bowl is a delicious and healthy dish with a rich history and global appeal. Whether you’re a fan of Hawaiian cuisine or just looking for a tasty and nutritious meal, the seared tuna poke bowl is definitely worth trying.

Selecting the Best Ingredients

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

When it comes to making the perfect seared tuna poke bowl, selecting the right ingredients is crucial. Here are some tips to help you choose the best ingredients for your dish.

Choosing the Right Tuna

The most important ingredient in a seared tuna poke bowl is, of course, the tuna. When choosing tuna, it’s important to select high-quality fish that is fresh and sustainable. Look for tuna that is bright red in color, with a firm texture and a fresh ocean smell. You want to avoid tuna that is brown or has a fishy smell.

There are several types of tuna that are commonly used in poke bowls, including ahi tuna, yellowfin tuna, and albacore tuna. Ahi tuna is the most popular choice for poke bowls because it has a rich, meaty flavor and a firm texture that holds up well when seared.

Freshness of Produce

In addition to the tuna, the produce you choose for your poke bowl is also important. When selecting produce, look for fresh, high-quality ingredients that are in season. This will ensure that your poke bowl is packed with flavor and nutrients.

Some of the most common produce used in seared tuna poke bowls include avocado, cucumber, radish, carrot, and scallions. You can also add other ingredients like mango, edamame, or seaweed salad for additional flavor and texture.

Organic vs Non-Organic

When it comes to choosing between organic and non-organic produce, it’s a personal choice. While organic produce is generally considered to be healthier and more environmentally friendly, it can also be more expensive.

If you choose to buy organic produce for your seared tuna poke bowl, look for the USDA organic label on the packaging. This label ensures that the produce has been grown and processed according to strict organic standards.

Overall, selecting the best ingredients for your seared tuna poke bowl is all about choosing high-quality, fresh ingredients that are packed with flavor and nutrients. By following these tips, you can create a delicious and nutritious poke bowl that is sure to impress.

Nutritional Value

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

If you’re looking for a healthy and flavorful meal, a seared tuna poke bowl is an excellent choice. This dish is packed with nutrients and can be customized to fit your dietary needs. Here are some of the key nutritional benefits of a seared tuna poke bowl.

Health Benefits

Seared tuna poke bowl is a great source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles. Additionally, tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and improve heart health. The dish also contains a variety of vegetables, which provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help boost your immune system and protect against chronic diseases.

Caloric Content

The caloric content of a seared tuna poke bowl can vary depending on the ingredients used and the portion size. On average, a serving of poke bowl contains around 500-600 calories. However, this dish is relatively low in carbohydrates and high in protein, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Dietary Considerations

If you’re following a specific diet, you can easily customize a seared tuna poke bowl to fit your needs. For example, if you’re following a low-carb diet, you can skip the rice and add more vegetables or avocado instead. If you’re following a gluten-free diet, make sure to use gluten-free soy sauce. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, you can substitute the tuna with tofu or tempeh.

Overall, a seared tuna poke bowl is a healthy and delicious meal that can be customized to fit your dietary needs. It’s a great source of protein and healthy fats, and contains a variety of vegetables that provide essential nutrients. Whether you’re looking for a post-workout meal or a healthy lunch option, a seared tuna poke bowl is a great choice.

Preparing the Tuna

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

If you’re looking to make a delicious seared tuna poke bowl, then you’ll need to start with the best quality tuna you can find. Here are some tips on preparing the tuna for your poke bowl.

Marination Techniques

Marinating the tuna is a crucial step in making a flavorful poke bowl. You can use a variety of marinades, but the most popular ones include soy sauce, sesame oil, and rice vinegar. To marinate the tuna, simply mix the marinade ingredients in a bowl and add the tuna. Make sure to coat the tuna evenly with the marinade and let it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. The longer you marinate the tuna, the more flavor it will absorb.

Another technique for marinating tuna is to use a dry rub. A dry rub is a blend of spices and herbs that is rubbed onto the surface of the tuna. This technique works best for seared tuna because it creates a flavorful crust on the surface of the fish. To make a dry rub, mix together your favorite spices and herbs, such as garlic powder, paprika, and cumin. Rub the mixture onto the surface of the tuna and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before cooking.

Seared Tuna Cooking Tips

When it comes to cooking seared tuna, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that it turns out perfectly. First, make sure that your pan is hot before adding the tuna. A hot pan will create a nice sear on the surface of the fish, while a cold pan will cause the tuna to steam and become overcooked.

Second, be careful not to overcook the tuna. Seared tuna should be cooked rare to medium-rare, which means that the center of the fish should still be pink. Overcooking the tuna will cause it to become tough and dry.

Finally, make sure to season the tuna with salt and pepper before cooking. This will enhance the flavor of the fish and create a delicious crust on the surface.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to prepare the perfect seared tuna for your poke bowl.

Assembling the Poke Bowl

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

Once you’ve seared your tuna and prepared your toppings, it’s time to assemble your poke bowl. Follow these simple steps to ensure your bowl looks and tastes amazing.

Layering the Base

Start by layering your base. Traditionally, poke bowls are served over a bed of rice, but you can also use noodles or greens. For a classic poke bowl, use a short-grain sushi rice. You can also mix in some quinoa or brown rice for added nutrition. Spread the rice evenly in the bottom of the bowl, leaving some space around the edges for the toppings.

Arranging the Toppings

Next, arrange your toppings. Start with the tuna, placing it in the center of the bowl. You can either leave it whole or cut it into bite-sized pieces. Add your vegetables around the edges of the bowl, using different colors and textures for visual appeal. Some popular choices include avocado, cucumber, carrot, and radish. You can also add some fruit, like mango or pineapple, for a sweet and tangy flavor.

Garnishing for Presentation

Finally, garnish your poke bowl for presentation. Sprinkle some sesame seeds or furikake over the top for added flavor and crunch. Drizzle some soy sauce or ponzu sauce over the tuna and vegetables for a salty and tangy finish. You can also add some fresh herbs, like cilantro or mint, for a pop of color and freshness.

With these simple steps, you can create a beautiful and delicious seared tuna poke bowl. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and textures to make it your own.

Flavor Combinations

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

When it comes to creating the perfect seared tuna poke bowl, flavor combinations are key. Here are some tips on how to create a delicious and balanced bowl.

Sauce Selection

The sauce is the heart of the poke bowl and can make or break the dish. There are many different sauces to choose from, each with its own unique flavor profile. Some popular options include soy sauce, ponzu sauce, and spicy mayo. If you’re looking for a healthier option, try using a low-sodium soy sauce or a homemade dressing made with fresh ingredients.

Spice Levels

The spice level of your poke bowl is entirely up to you. If you’re a fan of heat, try adding some sliced jalapeños or a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. For a milder flavor, stick with a simple soy sauce or ponzu dressing. Keep in mind that the seared tuna itself can also add some heat, so be sure to taste as you go.

Texture Contrast

Texture is an important aspect of any dish, and the seared tuna poke bowl is no exception. To create a well-balanced bowl, be sure to include a variety of textures. Some options include crunchy cucumber, creamy avocado, and crispy wonton strips. You can also experiment with different types of rice or add some quinoa for a protein boost.

Overall, the key to a delicious seared tuna poke bowl is to experiment with different flavors and textures until you find the perfect combination for your taste buds. With a little creativity and some fresh ingredients, you can create a healthy and satisfying meal that is sure to impress.

Serving and Presentation

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

When it comes to serving and presenting your seared tuna poke bowl, there are a few key things to keep in mind to ensure that it looks as good as it tastes. In this section, we will cover dishware choices and plating techniques that can elevate your seared tuna poke bowl to the next level.

Dishware Choices

Choosing the right dishware for your seared tuna poke bowl is important because it can affect the overall presentation of the dish. Here are a few dishware options to consider:

  • Traditional Bowls: Traditional bowls are a classic choice for serving poke bowls. They are available in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes, so you can choose one that complements the colors and textures of your ingredients.
  • Glass Bowls: Glass bowls are another great option because they showcase the different layers of your poke bowl. They also create a beautiful contrast between the bright colors of your ingredients and the clear glass.
  • Wooden Bowls: Wooden bowls are a unique choice that can add a rustic and natural feel to your poke bowl. They are also great for keeping your ingredients cool because wood is a natural insulator.

Plating Techniques

Once you have chosen your dishware, it’s time to start plating your seared tuna poke bowl. Here are a few plating techniques to consider:

  • Layering: Layering is a great technique for showcasing the different textures and colors of your ingredients. Start by placing your rice at the bottom of the bowl, followed by your vegetables, and then your seared tuna on top.
  • Arranging: Arranging is a more artistic technique that involves placing each ingredient in a specific spot on the plate. This technique can create a beautiful and visually appealing dish. You can arrange your ingredients in a circular pattern or in a more abstract design.
  • Garnishing: Garnishing is a final touch that can add an extra pop of color and flavor to your seared tuna poke bowl. Some popular garnishes include sliced avocado, microgreens, sesame seeds, and green onions.

By choosing the right dishware and using plating techniques that showcase the colors and textures of your ingredients, you can create a beautiful and delicious seared tuna poke bowl that is sure to impress.

Pairing with Drinks

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

When it comes to pairing drinks with your seared tuna poke bowl, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you prefer wine or non-alcoholic options, you can find the perfect drink to complement your meal.

Wine Pairings

If you’re a wine lover, you’ll be pleased to know that there are several wines that pair well with seared tuna poke bowl. A light-bodied white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio is an excellent choice. These wines have a crisp acidity that goes well with the fresh and tangy flavors of the poke bowl. If you prefer red wine, a Pinot Noir or a light-bodied Merlot can be a good option. These wines have a fruity flavor that complements the fish and the vegetables.

Non-Alcoholic Options

If you’re not a fan of wine or prefer non-alcoholic options, there are plenty of other drinks that pair well with seared tuna poke bowl. A cold glass of green tea or iced tea can be a refreshing choice. The earthy flavor of the tea goes well with the fish and the rice. Coconut water or a fruit smoothie can also be a good option. These drinks have a sweet and tropical flavor that complements the poke bowl.

No matter what your preference is, there is a drink that can enhance the flavors of your seared tuna poke bowl. Just remember to choose a drink that complements the flavors of the dish and doesn’t overpower it.

Customizing Your Poke Bowl

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

One of the best things about poke bowls is how customizable they are. You can swap in different proteins, veggies, and sauces to create a bowl that suits your taste buds perfectly. Here are some ideas for customizing your seared tuna poke bowl.

Vegetarian Variations

If you’re a vegetarian, you can still enjoy a delicious poke bowl. Instead of seared tuna, try using tofu, tempeh, or even roasted veggies as your protein. You can also add in a variety of veggies, such as edamame, cucumber, carrot, or avocado. For an extra pop of flavor, try marinating your tofu or veggies in a soy sauce-based marinade before adding them to your bowl.

Allergy-Friendly Substitutes

If you have food allergies or sensitivities, you can still enjoy a poke bowl by making a few substitutions. For example, if you’re allergic to soy, you can use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce. If you’re gluten-free, make sure to use gluten-free soy sauce or tamari. You can also swap in different grains for the rice, such as quinoa or cauliflower rice.

To add some texture and crunch to your bowl, try topping it with some chopped nuts or seeds, such as sesame seeds, chopped almonds, or sunflower seeds. You can also add some fresh herbs, such as cilantro or basil, for an extra burst of flavor.

Remember, the key to a great poke bowl is to use fresh, high-quality ingredients and to customize it to your liking. With a little creativity, you can create a poke bowl that’s both delicious and nutritious.

External Resources

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

If you’re looking to learn more about seared tuna poke bowls, there are plenty of resources available to you. From cookbooks and guides to online communities, you can find everything you need to know about this delicious dish.

Cookbooks and Guides

One great resource for learning how to make seared tuna poke bowls is cookbooks and guides. There are many cookbooks available that focus specifically on poke bowls, and they can provide you with a wealth of information on how to prepare and serve this dish. Some popular titles include “Poke: Hawaiian-Inspired Sushi Bowls” by Guy Jackson and “The Poke Cookbook: The Freshest Way to Eat Fish” by Martha Cheng.

In addition to cookbooks, there are also many online guides available that can help you learn how to make seared tuna poke bowls. These guides often include step-by-step instructions, as well as tips and tricks for getting the best results. Some popular online guides include “How to Make Tuna Poke” by Bowl Me Over and “Seared Tuna Poke Bowls” by Humble Oven.

Online Communities

Another great resource for learning about seared tuna poke bowls is online communities. There are many forums and social media groups dedicated to poke bowls, where you can connect with other enthusiasts and share tips and recipes. Some popular online communities include the Poke Bowls subreddit, the Poke Bowls Facebook group, and the Poke Bowls Instagram hashtag.

In addition to these communities, there are also many websites and blogs dedicated to poke bowls. These sites often feature recipes, reviews, and other information related to poke bowls. Some popular sites include Fit Foodie Finds, Olive & Mango, and Hello Chef!.

No matter what resource you choose, there are plenty of ways to learn more about seared tuna poke bowls. So why not dive in and start exploring?

Frequently Asked Questions

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

What are the best ingredients to top a poke bowl with?

When it comes to topping a poke bowl, there are endless possibilities. Some popular toppings include edamame, avocado, seaweed salad, cucumber, radish, mango, and pickled ginger. You can also add some crunch with toppings like crispy wontons or roasted nuts. The key is to choose toppings that complement the flavors of the tuna and rice.

How do you properly marinate tuna for a poke bowl?

Marinating the tuna is an important step in making a flavorful poke bowl. To marinate the tuna, you can mix together soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and a touch of honey. Cut the tuna into bite-sized pieces and toss it in the marinade. Let it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Is sushi-grade tuna necessary for making a seared tuna poke bowl?

While sushi-grade tuna is recommended for raw dishes like sushi, it’s not necessary for a seared tuna poke bowl. However, it’s important to choose high-quality tuna that is fresh and has been properly handled and stored. Look for tuna that is firm, shiny, and has a bright red color.

Can you safely consume tuna that is only lightly seared?

Lightly seared tuna is safe to eat as long as it has been handled and cooked properly. The FDA recommends cooking fish to an internal temperature of 145°F to kill any potential bacteria or parasites. However, if you’re pregnant or have a weakened immune system, it’s best to avoid consuming raw or undercooked fish.

Are there healthy benefits associated with eating tuna poke bowls?

Yes, there are many healthy benefits associated with eating tuna poke bowls. Tuna is a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins B12 and D. It’s also low in fat and calories, making it a great choice for a healthy meal. Adding other nutrient-rich toppings like avocado and edamame can further boost the nutritional value of the dish.

Is it possible to use frozen ahi tuna steaks to make a poke bowl?

Yes, it’s possible to use frozen ahi tuna steaks to make a poke bowl. Make sure to thaw the tuna in the fridge overnight before using it. Frozen tuna can be just as fresh and flavorful as fresh tuna, as long as it’s been properly frozen and thawed.

External Links

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

If you want to learn more about seared tuna poke bowls, there are plenty of external resources available online. Here are a few links that you might find helpful:

  • Fit Foodie Finds: This recipe website has a great recipe for seared ahi tuna poke bowls that features perfectly seared ahi tuna, cilantro-lime rice, a cucumber salad, and a poke bowl dressing. The recipe is easy to follow and the end result is delicious.
  • Bowl Me Over: This food blog has a recipe for homemade poke bowls topped with your favorite ingredients. The recipe includes steps to sear tuna and suggestions for toppings like sesame seeds, chopped cilantro, Sriracha, chopped nuts, wasabi, pickled ginger, and more.
  • Humble Oven: This food blog has a recipe for seared tuna poke bowls that includes instructions for preparing sushi rice and suggestions for toppings like sliced avocado, cucumbers, shredded carrot, and diced green onion. The recipe is easy to follow and the end result is a delicious and healthy meal.
  • Simply Whisked: This recipe website has a recipe for ahi tuna poke bowls that is light and healthy, featuring fresh raw tuna marinated with soy, sesame, and onion. The recipe is quick and easy to make and can be served over rice with sliced cucumber for a meal, or on rice crackers for a simple appetizer.
  • Hello Chef!: This recipe website has a recipe for seared tuna poke bowls that includes instructions for cooking sushi rice and suggestions for toppings like edamame, avocado, and sesame seeds. The recipe is easy to follow and the end result is a delicious and healthy meal.

These external links provide a variety of recipes and tips for making seared tuna poke bowls at home. Whether you’re an experienced cook or a beginner, you’re sure to find something helpful in these resources.

More FAQs

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

What does seared tuna poke taste like?

Seared tuna poke has a mild, savory flavor with a slightly sweet aftertaste. The taste of the dish is largely influenced by the seasoning and sauce used to flavor the tuna. The searing process also adds a smoky flavor to the dish, making it more complex and satisfying.

What to eat with seared ahi tuna?

Seared ahi tuna can be paired with a variety of sides and toppings to make a complete meal. Some popular options include:

  • Rice: A bed of sticky sushi rice provides a neutral base for the tuna and helps to balance out the flavors.
  • Vegetables: Fresh, crisp vegetables like cucumbers, carrots, and avocado add texture and flavor to the dish.
  • Sauce: A drizzle of soy sauce, ponzu sauce, or spicy mayo can add depth and complexity to the dish.
  • Garnish: A sprinkle of sesame seeds, chopped green onions, or cilantro can add color and flavor to the dish.

How many calories in a seared tuna poke bowl?

The number of calories in a seared tuna poke bowl can vary depending on the ingredients used and the portion size. On average, a seared tuna poke bowl contains around 500-600 calories. To reduce the calorie count, you can opt for a smaller portion size, use less rice, and choose low-calorie toppings like vegetables and seaweed.

What makes a poke bowl good?

A good poke bowl should have a balance of flavors and textures. The tuna should be fresh and flavorful, with a slightly firm texture. The rice should be sticky and slightly sweet, providing a neutral base for the other ingredients. The toppings should be fresh and crisp, adding texture and flavor to the dish. Finally, the sauce should tie everything together, adding depth and complexity to the dish without overpowering the other flavors.


Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

In conclusion, seared tuna poke bowl is a delicious and healthy meal that you can easily make at home. With fresh ingredients and a few simple steps, you can have a restaurant-quality dish in no time.

To make the perfect seared tuna poke bowl, it is important to use high-quality tuna and to sear it properly. You can season the tuna with your favorite spices and herbs to add flavor and depth to the dish.

When it comes to assembling the bowl, you can get creative and add your favorite toppings such as avocado, edamame, and seaweed salad. You can also use different types of rice or noodles to make the dish more interesting.

Overall, seared tuna poke bowl is a versatile and nutritious meal that you can enjoy any time of the day. Whether you are looking for a quick and easy lunch or a satisfying dinner, this dish is sure to satisfy your cravings.


Seared Tuna Poke Bowl Recipe

Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

  • Author: Anna
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Seared
  • Cuisine: Japanese, Hawaiian
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • 1 lb sushi-grade tuna, cubed
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp Sriracha sauce
  • 1 tsp ginger, grated
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1 cucumber, julienned
  • 2 cups cooked sushi rice
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 nori sheet, cut into strips
  • Edamame, for garnish
  • Radishes, thinly sliced, for garnish
  • Microgreens, for garnish


  1. In a bowl, mix soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, Sriracha, and grated ginger to create the marinade.
  2. Add cubed tuna to the marinade, ensuring each piece is coated. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Heat a skillet over high heat. Sear the marinated tuna for about 1-2 minutes on each side, leaving the center rare. Set aside.
  4. Assemble the poke bowl by arranging cooked sushi rice in bowls, topping with seared tuna, avocado, cucumber, green onions, sesame seeds, nori strips, edamame, radishes, and microgreens.
  5. Drizzle extra marinade over the bowl for added flavor.
  6. Serve immediately and enjoy your seared tuna poke bowl!


This Seared Tuna Poke Bowl is a well-balanced meal with a good source of protein from the tuna, healthy fats from the avocado, and complex carbohydrates from the sushi rice. It’s rich in essential nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, and provides a burst of flavors and textures. Adjust the ingredients based on dietary preferences and restrictions, and feel free to explore additional toppings and variations to suit your taste.


  • Serving Size: 1 bowl
  • Calories: 400
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Sodium: 600mg
  • Fat: 15g
  • Carbohydrates: 45g
  • Fiber: 5g
  • Protein: 25g
  • Cholesterol: 30mg

Keywords: Seared Tuna Poke Bowl

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