Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

A Delicious and Nutritious Southern Classic

If you’re looking for a delicious and hearty side dish to accompany your next soul food meal, look no further than mustard greens. This leafy green vegetable is a staple in Southern cuisine and is often served alongside other comfort food favorites like fried chicken, mac and cheese, and cornbread. With a slightly bitter taste and tender texture, mustard greens are the perfect complement to rich and savory dishes.

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

Making your own soul food mustard greens recipe at home is easier than you might think. While there are many variations of this classic dish, most recipes involve boiling the greens with smoked meat like ham hocks or bacon, and seasoning them with spices like garlic, onion, and red pepper flakes. The result is a flavorful and satisfying dish that is sure to please even the pickiest eaters.

Whether you’re a seasoned home cook or just starting out in the kitchen, mastering the art of making soul food mustard greens is a great way to expand your culinary skills and impress your friends and family. So why not give it a try today and see for yourself just how delicious this classic Southern dish can be?

History of Soul Food

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

Soul food is a traditional cuisine that originated in the Southern United States and is deeply rooted in African American culture. The term “soul food” was first coined in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement, and it has since become a popular cuisine throughout the United States.

Soul food is characterized by its use of inexpensive, readily available ingredients such as cornmeal, greens, and pork. The cuisine is also known for its bold and flavorful spices, which were used to mask the often bland flavor of the cheap ingredients.

The history of soul food can be traced back to the days of slavery, when African slaves were forced to make do with the scraps of food that were given to them by their owners. Over time, African slaves began to incorporate their own cooking techniques and ingredients into the food that they were given, creating a unique and flavorful cuisine that would become known as soul food.

One of the most popular soul food dishes is mustard greens. Mustard greens are a type of leafy green vegetable that are known for their slightly bitter taste and tender texture. They are often cooked with pork or other meats to add flavor and richness to the dish.

To prepare a soul food mustard greens recipe, you will need to gather a few simple ingredients, including mustard greens, bacon, chicken broth, garlic, and onion. The greens are cooked with the bacon and other ingredients until they are tender and flavorful, creating a delicious and satisfying dish that is perfect for any occasion.

Selecting Ingredients

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

When it comes to making a delicious soul food mustard greens recipe, selecting the right ingredients is key. Here are some tips to help you choose the best ingredients for your recipe.

Choosing Mustard Greens

When selecting mustard greens, look for fresh, vibrant leaves that are free of blemishes and discoloration. Choose leaves that are crisp and firm to the touch. If the leaves are wilted or have yellow spots, they may be past their prime.

You can find mustard greens at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. You can also grow your own mustard greens in your garden or in a container on your patio.

Meats and Seasonings

Traditionally, soul food mustard greens are cooked with smoked meats such as ham hocks, bacon, or smoked turkey. These meats add a smoky flavor to the greens and help to tenderize them. If you prefer a vegetarian version, you can skip the meat and use vegetable broth instead.

In addition to smoked meats, you can also add seasoning to your mustard greens. Popular seasonings include garlic, onion, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. You can also add a splash of vinegar or hot sauce for a tangy kick.

Shopping Tips

When shopping for ingredients for your soul food mustard greens recipe, look for high-quality meats and fresh produce. If possible, buy organic or locally sourced ingredients to support your local farmers and reduce your carbon footprint.

If you’re on a budget, look for sales and discounts on meat and produce. You can also buy in bulk and freeze extra ingredients for later use.

By following these tips, you can select the best ingredients for your soul food mustard greens recipe and create a delicious and nutritious dish that your family and friends will love.

Preparation Techniques

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

Preparing mustard greens for your soul food recipe requires a few simple techniques that will help you get the best flavor and texture. In this section, we will discuss two important aspects of mustard greens preparation: cleaning and pre-cooking preparation.

Cleaning Mustard Greens

Cleaning mustard greens is an essential step in preparing them for cooking. First, remove any wilted or discolored leaves and discard them. Then, fill a large bowl or sink with cold water and submerge the mustard greens. Swirl them around in the water to remove any dirt or debris. Drain the water and repeat this process until the water is clear.

After cleaning, you can remove the tough stems from the leaves by folding the leaf in half and cutting along the stem. Discard the stems and chop the leaves into bite-sized pieces. It’s important to note that you should not wash the greens after chopping them, as this can remove some of the flavor.

Pre-Cooking Preparation

Pre-cooking preparation involves boiling the greens to soften them before adding them to your soul food recipe. To do this, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add the chopped mustard greens. Boil them for 10-15 minutes, or until they are tender but still slightly firm.

Once the greens are cooked, drain them and rinse them under cold water to stop the cooking process. Squeeze out any excess water and they are ready to be added to your soul food mustard greens recipe.

By following these simple preparation techniques, you can ensure that your mustard greens are clean, tender, and full of flavor for your soul food recipe.

Cooking Methods

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

When it comes to cooking soul food mustard greens, there are a few different methods you can use. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the one that works best for you.

Stovetop Simmering

One of the most popular ways to cook mustard greens is by simmering them on the stovetop. This method is relatively quick and easy, and it allows you to control the level of heat and the amount of liquid in the pot.

To simmer mustard greens on the stovetop, start by washing and chopping the greens. Then, heat a large pot over medium-high heat and add some oil or bacon fat. Once the fat has melted, add the chopped onions and garlic and sauté for a few minutes until they’re soft and fragrant.

Next, add the mustard greens to the pot along with some chicken broth or water. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and let the greens simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. You can also add some smoked turkey or ham hocks for extra flavor.

Slow Cooking Options

Another way to cook soul food mustard greens is by using a slow cooker. This method is great if you want to set it and forget it, and it allows the greens to cook slowly and become very tender.

To use a slow cooker to cook mustard greens, start by washing and chopping the greens. Then, add them to the slow cooker along with some chopped onions, garlic, and smoked turkey or ham hocks. Pour in some chicken broth or water, then cover the slow cooker and set it to cook on low for 8-10 hours.

Once the greens are tender, you can serve them as a side dish or mix them with other ingredients like black-eyed peas or rice. Just be sure to remove any bones or large pieces of ham hock before serving.

Overall, there are many different ways to cook soul food mustard greens, and the method you choose will depend on your personal preferences and cooking style. Whether you prefer stovetop simmering or slow cooking, these greens are sure to be a hit at your next family gathering or dinner party.

Flavor Enhancements

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

When it comes to cooking soul food mustard greens, there are several ways to enhance their flavor. Here are some flavor enhancements you can add to your recipe:

Herbs and Spices

Adding herbs and spices is a great way to add flavor to your mustard greens. Some popular herbs and spices used in soul food cooking include garlic, onion, thyme, and bay leaves. You can also add red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper for a spicy kick.

Another popular ingredient is smoked meat, such as ham hocks or smoked turkey. These meats add a smoky flavor and richness to the dish.

Acidic Additions

Acidic additions can help balance the bitterness of the mustard greens. Some popular acidic ingredients include vinegar, lemon juice, or hot sauce. Apple cider vinegar is a popular choice for adding acidity to the dish.

You can also add sweetness to the dish by adding sugar or honey. This will help balance out the bitterness and acidity of the mustard greens.

In summary, adding herbs and spices and acidic ingredients can help enhance the flavor of your soul food mustard greens recipe. Experiment with different ingredients to find the perfect balance of flavors for your taste.

Health and Nutrition

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

If you’re looking for a healthy and nutritious side dish to add to your soul food menu, look no further than mustard greens. These leafy greens are packed with vitamins and minerals that can benefit your overall health.

One cup of cooked mustard greens contains only 21 calories, making them a great low-calorie addition to any meal. They are also high in fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Additionally, mustard greens are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, and folate.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help boost your immune system and protect your cells from damage. Vitam K is important for bone health and can help prevent osteoporosis. VitA is essential for good vision and skin health, while folate is important for cell growth and development.

Mustard greens are also a good source of iron, calcium, and potassium. Iron is important for healthy blood cells, while calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Potassium is important for regulating blood pressure and maintaining a healthy heart.

To get the most nutritional benefits from your mustard greens, try steaming or sautéing them instead of boiling them. Boiling can cause the greens to lose some of their nutrients. You can also add other healthy ingredients like garlic, onions, and olive oil to enhance the flavor and boost the nutritional value of your dish.

Overall, mustard greens are a healthy and nutritious addition to any soul food menu. Incorporating them into your meals can help you meet your daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals while also providing a delicious and satisfying side dish.

Serving Suggestions

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe


Soul food mustard greens recipe is a versatile dish that can be served with a variety of accompaniments. Here are some suggestions:

  • Cornbread: The sweetness of cornbread complements the bitterness of mustard greens. Serve a slice of cornbread alongside your mustard greens for a classic soul food combination.
  • Fried chicken: Fried chicken and mustard greens are a match made in heaven. The crispy texture of the chicken pairs well with the tender greens.
  • Mac and cheese: The creaminess of mac and cheese balances out the spiciness of mustard greens. Serve a spoonful of mac and cheese on the side of your greens.
  • Sweet potatoes: The sweetness of sweet potatoes complements the bitterness of mustard greens. Roast or bake sweet potatoes and serve them alongside your greens.

Presentation Tips

Soul food mustard greens recipe can be presented in a variety of ways. Here are some tips to make your dish look as good as it tastes:

  • Use a colorful plate: The greens themselves are not the most visually appealing dish, so use a bright and colorful plate to make them pop.
  • Garnish with bacon: Crumbled bacon on top of your mustard greens not only adds flavor but also makes the dish look more appetizing.
  • Use a serving dish: Instead of serving the greens in the pot you cooked them in, transfer them to a serving dish. This makes the dish look more elegant and also makes it easier to serve.
  • Add hot sauce: A bottle of hot sauce on the table not only adds flavor but also adds a pop of color to the table.

Overall, soul food mustard greens recipe is a delicious and versatile dish that can be served with a variety of accompaniments and presented in a variety of ways. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite.

Storage and Leftovers

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

Once you have made your delicious soul food mustard greens recipe, you may be wondering how to store any leftovers. Fortunately, mustard greens can be stored easily in the refrigerator for a few days, or even frozen for longer storage.

To store your cooked mustard greens in the refrigerator, simply transfer them to an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. Be sure to label the container with the date so you can keep track of how long they have been in the fridge. Cooked mustard greens can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

If you have more leftover mustard greens than you can eat in 4 days, you can freeze them for longer storage. To freeze cooked mustard greens, let them cool completely, then transfer them to a freezer-safe container or bag. Be sure to remove as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. Cooked mustard greens can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

When you are ready to reheat your stored mustard greens, simply thaw them in the refrigerator overnight if frozen, then reheat them in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. You may need to add a bit of water or broth to the pot if the mustard greens have dried out a bit during storage.

Overall, storing and reheating your soul food mustard greens recipe is easy and convenient, allowing you to enjoy this delicious dish for days to come.

Recipe Variations

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

If you’re looking to switch up your soul food mustard greens recipe, there are plenty of variations to try. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Vegetarian Options

For a vegetarian twist on this classic dish, simply omit the meat. Instead, you can use vegetable broth or water to cook the greens. You can also add in some vegetarian bacon bits or smoked paprika for a smoky flavor.

Another option is to substitute the meat with mushrooms. Portobello or shiitake mushrooms are great choices for their meaty texture. Simply sauté the mushrooms with some garlic and onions before adding in your greens.

Spicy Alternatives

If you like your food with a kick, there are plenty of ways to add some heat to your soul food mustard greens recipe. One option is to add in some red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper. You can also use hot sauce or chopped jalapeños for a spicy kick.

Another option is to use a different type of greens. Collard greens are a popular alternative to mustard greens, and they have a slightly bitter flavor that pairs well with spicy seasonings.

No matter which variation you choose, be sure to taste as you go and adjust the seasonings to your liking. With a little experimentation, you’re sure to find a soul food mustard greens recipe that’s perfect for you.

External Resources

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

If you are looking for more inspiration on how to cook soul food mustard greens, there are many external resources available to you. Here are a few recommended cookbooks and online communities to help you get started.


  • The Taste of Country Cooking by Edna Lewis – This cookbook is a classic in Southern cuisine. Edna Lewis is known for her traditional recipes, and this cookbook is no exception. The book includes a recipe for mustard greens that is slow-cooked with ham hocks, onions, and garlic. It’s a simple recipe that packs a lot of flavor.
  • Soul Food Love: Healthy Recipes Inspired by One Hundred Years of Cooking in a Black Family by Alice Randall and Caroline Randall Williams – This cookbook is a modern take on soul food. The authors provide healthier versions of classic recipes, including a recipe for mustard greens that is cooked with smoked turkey instead of pork. This recipe is a great option for those who want to enjoy soul food without the guilt.

Online Communities

  • r/soulfood – This subreddit is dedicated to all things soul food. Members share recipes, cooking tips, and stories about their favorite soul food dishes. If you have a question about cooking mustard greens, this is a great place to ask.
  • Soul Food Cooking Group on Facebook – This Facebook group is a community of home cooks who love to share their soul food recipes. Members post pictures of their dishes, and provide tips and tricks for cooking soul food. The group has a recipe for mustard greens that is cooked with smoked ham hocks.

These external resources can help you expand your knowledge of soul food mustard greens recipes. Whether you prefer traditional or modern recipes, there is something for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

What is the best way to prepare mustard greens in a slow cooker for a soul food dish?

Slow cookers are a great way to prepare soul food mustard greens. The best way to do this is to first wash and chop the greens, removing any tough stems. Next, add the greens to the slow cooker along with some smoked turkey or bacon for added flavor. You can also add some onions, garlic, and chicken broth for extra flavor. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the greens are tender.

How can you incorporate smoked turkey into a mustard greens recipe for added flavor?

Smoked turkey is a popular ingredient in soul food mustard greens recipes. You can use smoked turkey legs or wings to add flavor to the greens. Simply add the smoked turkey to the pot along with the greens and other ingredients. The turkey will infuse the greens with a smoky flavor that is delicious and satisfying.

What seasonings are recommended to enhance the taste of soul food mustard greens?

This recipe is typically seasoned with salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. You can also add some hot sauce or red pepper flakes for a little heat. Some people like to add a little sugar or honey to balance out the bitterness of the greens. Experiment with different seasonings to find the perfect flavor for your taste buds.

How long should mustard greens be cooked on the stove to achieve the perfect texture?

The cooking time can vary depending on the recipe and the desired texture. For soul food mustard greens, it is recommended to cook the greens on low heat for at least 1-2 hours. This will help to tenderize the greens and bring out their flavor. Be sure to stir the greens occasionally to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Can the stems of mustard greens be eaten, and if so, how should they be prepared?

The stems of mustard greens are edible, but they can be tough and fibrous. To prepare the stems, simply remove any tough or woody parts and chop the stems into small pieces. You can cook the stems along with the greens, but they may take longer to cook than the leaves. Alternatively, you can sauté the stems with some garlic and olive oil for a tasty and nutritious side dish.

In terms of nutritional value, how do mustard greens compare to collard greens?

Mustard greens and collard greens are both nutrient-dense leafy greens that are popular in soul food cuisine. Both greens are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, mustard greens are slightly higher in vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate than collard greens. Both greens are a healthy addition to any diet and can be prepared in a variety of delicious ways.

External Links

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

If you’re interested in learning more about soul food mustard greens, there are plenty of resources available online. Here are a few external links that you might find helpful:

  • Stay Snatched: This recipe from Stay Snatched is an easy and flavorful way to prepare mustard greens. The dish is made with smoked turkey and is perfect for soul food holidays or traditional Sunday dinners.
  • Immaculate Bites: Immaculate Bites offers a recipe for Southern-style mustard greens that is a classic side dish required on holidays and Sunday dinner with the family. Mustard greens have been consumed for over 5,000 years in Asia and Africa. In fact, Asia is still the leading producer of these greens.
  • Taste of Southern: Taste of Southern provides a step-by-step, photo illustrated recipe for making southern-style mustard greens. Greens dominate the fresh produce available in the South during the winter, and this recipe shows you how to cook some up for a great side dish, or even the main meal of the day.
  • Grandbaby Cakes: Grandbaby Cakes offers an authentic Southern mustard greens recipe with smoked turkey that is slowly braised in a savory smoked turkey flavored pot liquor with a kick of spice until it becomes the soul food meal dreams are made of.
  • Ellen’s Homemade Delights: This video from Ellen’s Homemade Delights shows you how to make soul food mustard greens step-by-step. The recipe is perfect for Thanksgiving or any other special occasion.

These external links provide a variety of recipes and cooking techniques for soul food mustard greens. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner, you’re sure to find a recipe that suits your taste and skill level.

More FAQs

Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

What can I use instead of mustard greens?

If you can’t find mustard greens, you can use collard greens, turnip greens, or kale instead. These greens have a similar texture and taste. However, keep in mind that the flavor of the dish may change slightly depending on the greens you use.

What are 3 ways you can eat mustard greens?

There are several ways to eat mustard greens. Here are three popular ways:

  1. Braised: Braising is the most common way to cook mustard greens. You can braise them in chicken or vegetable broth, or add smoked meat for extra flavor.
  2. Salad: You can also eat mustard greens raw in a salad. They add a peppery flavor and a nice crunch to any salad.
  3. Sauteed: Sauteed mustard greens are a quick and easy side dish. You can saute them with garlic and olive oil for a simple and delicious dish.

What is good for mustard greens?

Mustard greens are a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. They are also high in calcium, iron, and fiber. Eating mustard greens can help improve digestion, boost your immune system, and reduce inflammation.

Why are greens soul food?

Greens are considered soul food because they are a staple in African American cuisine. They were traditionally grown and eaten by slaves in the South as a cheap and nutritious source of food. Today, greens are still a popular dish in soul food cuisine and are often served at holiday gatherings and Sunday dinners.


Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

In conclusion, mustard greens are a staple in Southern cuisine and are enjoyed by many around the world. They are a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in a variety of ways, including sautéed, boiled, or even pickled.

When preparing mustard greens, it is important to properly clean and remove any tough stems. You can add a variety of seasonings and meats to enhance the flavor, such as smoked turkey, bacon, or ham hocks.

In addition to their delicious taste, mustard greens are also packed with nutrients. They are a great source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, and fiber. Incorporating mustard greens into your diet can help boost your immune system, improve digestion, and support bone health.

Overall, mustard greens are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal. Whether you are a seasoned cook or a beginner, you can easily prepare this classic soul food dish and enjoy the rich flavors and health benefits it has to offer.


Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

Soulful Mustard Greens Delight

  • Author: Anna
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1.5 hours
  • Total Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Yield: 6 servings 1x
  • Category: Main Dish
  • Method: Stovetop
  • Cuisine: Southern


  • 2 pounds fresh mustard greens, washed and chopped
  • 1/2 pound smoked ham hock or turkey neck
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon hot sauce (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large pot, heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Add chopped onions and minced garlic, sautéing until onions are translucent.
  2. Add smoked ham hock or turkey neck to the pot, allowing it to brown slightly.
  3. Pour in the broth, apple cider vinegar, and brown sugar. Stir to combine.
  4. Add the chopped mustard greens to the pot, stirring until they begin to wilt.
  5. Season with salt, pepper, and hot sauce (if using). Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 1 to 1.5 hours, or until greens are tender.
  6. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary before serving.


Adjust the level of hot sauce according to your preference for spiciness. For a vegetarian version, omit the smoked ham hock or turkey neck and use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. Serve with cornbread for an authentic soul food experience.


  • Serving Size: 1 cup
  • Calories: 200
  • Sugar: 5g
  • Sodium: 600mg
  • Fat: 8g
  • Carbohydrates: 18g
  • Fiber: 6g
  • Protein: 15g
  • Cholesterol: 25mg

Keywords: Soul Food Mustard Greens Recipe

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