London Fog Latte Caffeine Recipe

How Much Caffeine Does It Contain?

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If you’re a fan of tea lattes, you might have heard of the London Fog latte. This delicious drink is made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and a touch of vanilla syrup, making it a popular choice for tea lovers. But have you ever wondered about the caffeine content in a London Fog latte?

London Fog Latte Caffeine


The caffeine content in a London Fog latte can vary depending on a few factors. Since the drink is made with Earl Grey tea, it naturally contains caffeine. However, the amount of caffeine can vary based on the type of tea used and how it’s prepared. Additionally, the amount of steamed milk added to the drink can dilute the caffeine content.

If you’re sensitive to caffeine or trying to limit your intake, it’s important to be aware of the caffeine content in your London Fog latte. By understanding how the caffeine content can vary, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to indulge in this delicious tea latte. In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at the caffeine content in a London Fog latte and what factors can affect it.

What Is a London Fog Latte?


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you are looking for a warm and comforting beverage that is perfect for any time of day or night, you might want to try a London Fog Latte. This delicious drink is a combination of tea, milk, and a few other ingredients that create a rich and flavorful experience.

Origins and Popularity

The London Fog Latte is believed to have originated in Vancouver, Canada. It was created by a woman named Mary Loria who was looking for a warm and comforting drink to enjoy during her pregnancy. The drink quickly gained popularity in Canada and eventually made its way to the United States and other parts of the world.

Today, the London Fog Latte is a popular drink in coffee shops and cafes around the world. It is especially popular during the fall and winter months when people are looking for warm and comforting beverages to help them get through the cold weather.

Key Ingredients

The London Fog Latte is made with a few key ingredients that give it its unique flavor and aroma. These ingredients include:

  • Earl Grey Tea: This is the base of the London Fog Latte. Earl Grey is a black tea that is infused with bergamot oil, which gives it a distinctive citrusy flavor.
  • Milk: The milk used in a London Fog Latte can vary depending on personal preference. Some people prefer to use whole milk for a richer flavor, while others opt for skim milk or almond milk for a lighter taste.
  • Vanilla Syrup: This is added to the drink to give it a hint of sweetness and a subtle vanilla flavor.
  • Caffeine: The amount of caffeine in a London Fog Latte can vary depending on the type of tea used and the amount of tea steeped. Generally, Earl Grey tea has less caffeine than coffee, but it still contains some caffeine.

Overall, the London Fog Latte is a delicious and comforting drink that is perfect for any time of day or night. It is a great alternative to coffee for those who are looking for a warm and flavorful beverage that is not as strong as coffee.

Health Benefits of London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you’re a fan of tea lattes, you might have heard of the London Fog Latte. This delicious beverage is made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. Not only is it a comforting and satisfying drink, but it also offers some health benefits.

Antioxidant Properties

Earl Grey tea, the main ingredient in a London Fog Latte, is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can harm your body. By drinking Earl Grey tea, you can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Mental Alertness

Earl Grey tea also contains caffeine, which can help improve your mental alertness and focus. A London Fog Latte typically contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee, making it a great alternative if you’re looking for a pick-me-up without the jitters. Additionally, the combination of caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea, can help improve your mood and reduce stress.

Overall, a London Fog Latte can be a delicious and healthy beverage choice. However, it’s important to keep in mind that adding too much sugar or syrup can negate some of the health benefits. Stick to unsweetened or lightly sweetened versions to get the most out of this tasty drink.

Caffeine Content in London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you’re a fan of tea lattes, you may be wondering how much caffeine is in a London Fog latte. A London Fog latte is a delicious tea latte made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. It’s a popular drink at coffee shops and cafes, and for good reason. Not only is it delicious, but it also has a moderate amount of caffeine.

Comparison with Other Beverages

When it comes to caffeine content, a London Fog latte falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. According to Caffeine Park, a Tall (12 oz) London Fog latte from Starbucks contains 60 mg of caffeine, while a Short (8 oz) contains approximately 40 mg of caffeine. For comparison, a Tall (12 oz) brewed coffee from Starbucks contains 260 mg of caffeine, and a Tall (12 oz) latte contains 75 mg of caffeine.

Factors Affecting Caffeine Levels

The amount of caffeine in a London Fog latte can vary depending on several factors. One of the biggest factors is the type of tea used. Earl Grey tea, which is traditionally used in a London Fog latte, contains about 40-60 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup, according to Tea Perspective. However, the caffeine content can vary depending on the brand of tea and how it’s brewed.

Another factor that can affect the caffeine content of a London Fog latte is the amount of tea used. If more tea is used, the drink will have a higher caffeine content. Additionally, the type of milk used can also affect the caffeine content. For example, a London Fog latte made with soy milk may have a slightly lower caffeine content than one made with cow’s milk.

Overall, a London Fog latte is a great choice if you’re looking for a tea latte with a moderate amount of caffeine. However, if you’re looking for a drink with a higher caffeine content, you may want to opt for a brewed coffee or a latte.

How to Make a London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

Step-by-Step Recipe

Making a London Fog Latte at home is easy and requires just a few simple ingredients. Here’s a step-by-step recipe to make a delicious London Fog Latte:

  1. Boil 6 ounces of water to 208°-212°F and pour it into a tea cup.
  2. Steep an Earl Grey tea bag in the hot water for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the tea bag and add 1 tablespoon of vanilla simple syrup to the tea.
  4. Heat 6 ounces of milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it starts to steam.
  5. Froth the milk using a milk frother or a whisk until it becomes foamy.
  6. Pour the frothed milk into the tea, holding back the foam with a spoon.
  7. Spoon the foam on top of the latte.
  8. Enjoy your homemade London Fog Latte!

Tips for the Perfect Latte

  • Use high-quality Earl Grey tea for the best flavor. You can use loose leaf or tea bags, but make sure the tea is blended with real/natural bergamot oil and nothing artificial.
  • For a stronger caffeine kick, use two tea bags instead of one.
  • Use real vanilla simple syrup instead of artificial flavoring for a more authentic taste.
  • Heat the milk slowly to avoid scorching it and ruining the taste.
  • Froth the milk until it becomes foamy but not too thick.
  • Pour the milk into the tea slowly and hold back the foam with a spoon to create a layered effect.
  • Add a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg on top for extra flavor.

London Fog Latte contains caffeine, but the amount varies depending on the type and amount of tea used. Earl Grey tea typically contains less caffeine than black tea, which makes it a great alternative for those who want a milder caffeine boost. The amount of caffeine in a London Fog Latte also depends on the size of the latte and the number of tea bags used.

Variations of the Classic London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you’re a fan of the classic London Fog latte but want to switch things up, there are a few variations you can try. Whether you’re looking for a dairy-free alternative or a flavor twist, there’s a London Fog latte variation that’s perfect for you.

Dairy-Free Alternatives

If you’re lactose intolerant or just prefer to avoid dairy, there are several dairy-free alternatives you can use in your London Fog latte. One option is to use almond milk, which has a creamy texture and nutty flavor that complements the tea and vanilla flavors in the latte. Another option is to use oat milk, which has a similar texture to cow’s milk and a mild flavor that won’t overpower the other ingredients in the latte. Coconut milk is another great option, as it adds a subtle coconut flavor that pairs well with the tea and vanilla.

Flavor Twists

If you’re looking to mix things up and try a new flavor twist on the classic London Fog latte, there are several options to choose from. One option is to add a dash of cinnamon to your latte, which adds a warm, spicy flavor that complements the tea and vanilla. Another option is to add a splash of honey, which adds a touch of sweetness and enhances the natural flavors of the tea and vanilla. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even try adding a shot of espresso to your London Fog latte for an extra caffeine kick.

No matter which variation you choose, the London Fog latte is a delicious and comforting drink that’s perfect for any time of day. So go ahead and experiment with different ingredients and flavors to find your perfect London Fog latte.

Nutritional Information


London Fog Latte Caffeine

Caloric Content

A London Fog Latte is a delicious hot beverage made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. A grande-sized (16 fl oz) London Fog Latte from Starbucks contains approximately 180 calories. The caloric content may vary depending on the size of the drink and the type of milk used. For example, a tall-sized (12 fl oz) London Fog Latte made with nonfat milk contains about 130 calories, while the same size made with whole milk contains about 160 calories.

Macronutrients Breakdown

A grande-sized London Fog Latte from Starbucks contains 4 grams of total fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 105 milligrams of sodium, 29 grams of total carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 29 grams of sugars, and 7 grams of protein. The macronutrient breakdown may vary depending on the size of the drink and the type of milk used.

It is worth noting that a grande-sized London Fog Latte from Starbucks contains approximately 40 milligrams of caffeine. The caffeine content may vary depending on the type and quality of the tea used. Earl Grey tea typically contains less caffeine than black tea, but the exact amount may vary depending on the brand and brewing method.

Overall, a London Fog Latte can be a delicious and satisfying beverage, but it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. If you are watching your caloric intake, you may want to opt for a smaller size or choose a lower-calorie milk option. If you are sensitive to caffeine, you may want to limit your intake or choose a decaffeinated tea option.

Choosing the Right Tea for Your Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

When it comes to making a delicious London Fog Latte, choosing the right tea is key. The tea you choose will affect the taste and caffeine content of your latte. In this section, we’ll explore some of the best tea varieties for London Fog Lattes and the differences between loose leaf tea and tea bags.

Best Tea Varieties

The traditional tea used in a London Fog Latte is Earl Grey, a black tea that is infused with bergamot oil. However, you can also use other tea varieties to make your latte. For example, you can try using Lady Grey tea, which is similar to Earl Grey but has added notes of lemon and orange. Alternatively, you can use a floral tea like lavender or chamomile to add a unique flavor to your latte.

If you’re looking for a caffeine-free option, you can use a rooibos tea, which is a herbal tea that comes from South Africa. Rooibos tea has a sweet and nutty flavor that pairs well with vanilla and milk.

Loose Leaf vs. Tea Bags

When it comes to choosing between loose leaf tea and tea bags, there are a few things to consider. Loose leaf tea is usually of higher quality and has a more complex flavor profile. It also allows you to control the strength of your tea more easily. However, loose leaf tea can be more expensive and requires a bit more effort to prepare.

Tea bags, on the other hand, are more convenient and easier to use. They are also less expensive than loose leaf tea. However, the quality of tea in tea bags is often lower, and the flavor can be less complex.

Regardless of whether you choose loose leaf tea or tea bags. Make sure to use high-quality tea to ensure the best flavor. And caffeine content for your London Fog Latte.

That’s it for choosing the right tea for your London Fog Latte. Now that you know the best tea varieties. And the differences between loose leaf tea and tea bags. You’re ready to make the perfect latte.

Milk Options for London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

When it comes to making a London Fog Latte, the type of milk you use can make a big difference in both taste and texture. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right milk for your London Fog Latte.

Whole Milk vs. Non-Dairy

Whole milk is a popular choice for making a London Fog Latte because it creates a rich and creamy texture. However, if you are looking for a non-dairy option, there are several alternatives that can work just as well. Almond milk, coconut milk, and oat milk are all great options for creating a creamy texture without the dairy. Keep in mind that non-dairy milk may alter the taste slightly, so it’s important to experiment with different options to find the one that works best for you.

Frothing Techniques

To create the perfect texture for your London Fog Latte, it’s important to froth your milk properly. If you are using a milk frother, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. If you don’t have a milk frother, you can still create a frothy texture by using a whisk or a handheld milk frother. Simply heat your milk and whisk vigorously until you achieve the desired texture.

Overall, the type of milk you use can have a big impact on the taste. And texture of your London Fog Latte. Whether you prefer whole milk or a non-dairy option. Experimenting with different milk types. And frothing techniques can help you create the perfect London Fog Latte to suit your taste.

Sweetening Your London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you’re looking to sweeten your London Fog Latte, there are a few options to choose from. Here are a couple of things to consider when sweetening your drink.

Sugar Alternatives

If you’re looking to cut down on sugar. There are a few sugar alternatives you can use to sweeten your London Fog Latte. Some popular options include honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar. These sweeteners are all-natural and can provide a different flavor profile than regular sugar. However, keep in mind that they may not dissolve as easily as sugar. So you may need to stir your drink a bit more to make sure they’re fully incorporated.

How Sweeteners Affect Flavor

The type of sweetener you use can also affect the flavor of your London Fog Latte. For example, honey can add a floral note to your drink, while maple syrup can add a rich, earthy flavor. Agave nectar can provide a more neutral sweetness, allowing the other flavors in your drink to shine through. Regular sugar can also be used, but keep in mind that it may not provide as complex of a flavor profile as some of the other sweeteners.

Overall, the type of sweetener you choose will depend on your personal taste preferences and dietary needs. If you’re looking to cut down on sugar, try experimenting with some of the natural sweeteners mentioned above. If you’re seeking a more traditional taste, regular sugar might be your best choice. Regardless of your preference, incorporating a hint of sweetness into your London Fog Latte. Can effectively counterbalance the tea’s bitterness. Resulting in a more pleasurable drinking experience.

Serving and Presentation Tips


London Fog Latte Caffeine

When it comes to serving and presenting your London Fog Latte, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure your drink is not only delicious but also visually appealing.

Glassware and Accessories

Choosing the right glassware and accessories can make all the difference in how your London Fog Latte is perceived. A clear glass mug or cup is a great choice because it allows the beautiful layers of the drink to be seen. You can also use a tall glass to show off the layers of the drink. A clear glass teapot is also a great option if you’re serving multiple people.

In terms of accessories, a small spoon or stirrer is a must-have for stirring in the sweetener and mixing the layers of the drink together. A saucer or coaster is also a nice touch to protect your table or surface from any drips or spills.

Garnishing Ideas

Garnishing your London Fog Latte can take the presentation to the next level. A sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg on top of the frothed milk can add a pop of color and flavor. You can also add a drizzle of honey or caramel syrup on top of the drink for a touch of sweetness.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try garnishing with lavender buds or a sprig of fresh rosemary. These herbs not only add a beautiful pop of color but also complement the flavors of the Earl Grey tea.

Remember, presentation is key when it comes to serving your London Fog Latte. By using the right glassware and accessories and adding a garnish, you can elevate your drink and make it a true work of art.

Where to Find the Best London Fog Latte


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you’re a fan of the London Fog latte. And are seeking the best places to enjoy this delightful beverage, you’ve landed in the right spot. This section aims to provide you with insights.Into prime locations to savor exceptional London Fog lattes. Spanning cafes, restaurants, and regional variations.

Cafes and Restaurants

Many cafes and restaurants serve London Fog lattes, but not all of them are created equal. Here are some of the best places to get a London Fog latte:

  • Starbucks – Starbucks is known for its London Fog latte, which is made with Earl Grey tea, vanilla syrup, and steamed milk. You can also customize your drink by adding extra shots of espresso or swapping out the milk for almond or soy milk.
  • Tazo Tea – Tazo Tea’s London Fog latte is made with bold Earl Grey tea, fragrant bergamot, and sweet vanilla notes. You can find Tazo Tea at many cafes and restaurants, or you can buy their tea sachets and make your own London Fog latte at home.
  • Tim Hortons – Tim Hortons’ London Fog latte is made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a quick and easy London Fog latte on the go.

Geographical Variations

While the London Fog latte is a popular drink in many parts of the world, there are some geographical variations that are worth trying. Here are a few examples:

  • Parisian Fog – The Parisian Fog is a twist on the classic London Fog latte that is popular in France. It’s made with Earl Grey tea, lavender syrup, and steamed milk, and it’s often served in a bowl instead of a cup.
  • Vancouver Fog – The Vancouver Fog is a Canadian version of the London Fog latte that is made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and honey instead of vanilla syrup. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a sweeter version of the classic London Fog latte.
  • Tokyo Fog – The Tokyo Fog is a Japanese take on the classic London Fog latte that is made with matcha green tea instead of Earl Grey tea. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a unique twist on the classic London Fog latte.

Now that you know where to find the best London Fog lattes, go out and try them for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions


London Fog Latte Caffeine

How much caffeine is typically found in a London Fog latte from Starbucks?

A London Fog latte from Starbucks varies in caffeine content based on its size. In a Tall size (12 oz), it contains approximately 40 milligrams of caffeine, while a Grande size (16 oz) has around 55 milligrams, and a Venti size (20 oz) contains about 70 milligrams. Comparatively, the caffeine levels in a London Fog latte are lower than those found in a typical Starbucks latte. Regular lattes from Starbucks can have caffeine ranging from 63 milligrams to 225 milligrams, depending on the size and type of the latte.

Can you compare the caffeine content of a London Fog latte to a regular Starbucks latte?

Yes, the caffeine content in a London Fog latte is less than that of a regular Starbucks latte. While a Tall London Fog latte contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, a Tall Caffe Latte contains 63 milligrams of caffeine. However, a Grande London Fog latte contains 55 milligrams of caffeine, which is slightly more than a Tall Caffe Latte.

What ingredients are included in a Starbucks London Fog latte?

A Starbucks London Fog latte is made with Earl Grey tea, vanilla syrup, and steamed milk. The tea is infused with bergamot and lavender, giving it a unique flavor profile that sets it apart from other tea lattes.

Does a London Fog latte contain espresso or just tea?

A London Fog latte does not contain espresso. It is made with Earl Grey tea that is steeped in hot water and then mixed with steamed milk and vanilla syrup.

How does the choice of milk, such as almond milk, affect the caffeine content in a London Fog latte?

The choice of milk does not affect the caffeine content in a London Fog latte. However, it can affect the overall nutritional value of the drink. For example, using almond milk instead of regular milk can reduce the number of calories and fat in the drink.

What are the nutritional details of a Starbucks London Fog latte, including its caffeine content?

A Tall Starbucks London Fog latte contains 120 calories, 3.5 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates, 17 grams of sugar, and 40 milligrams of caffeine.

A Grande size contains 170 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 26 grams of carbohydrates, 23 grams of sugar, and 55 milligrams of caffeine.

A Venti size contains 220 calories, 5 grams of fat, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 32 grams of sugar, and 70 milligrams of caffeine.

External Links


London Fog Latte Caffeine

If you want to learn more about London Fog Latte caffeine content. Or how to make it at home, here are some external links that you may find useful:

  • Starbucks London Fog Latte: What’s in It & How to Order – This guide provides a detailed overview of what’s in a London Fog Latte from Starbucks, how much caffeine it has, and popular ways to customize it. You’ll also find tips on how to order a London Fog Latte like a pro.
  • London Fog Tea Caffeine Content: How Much is in Cup Sizes? – This article breaks down the caffeine content of a London Fog Latte from Starbucks by cup size. You’ll also find information on the caffeine content of Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte and how it compares to other popular Starbucks drinks.
  • Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte – Starbucks Coffee Company – This page on the Starbucks website provides detailed nutritional information for Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte, including its caffeine content, calories, and other key nutrients.
  • London Fog Latte (Hot or Iced) | Gimme Some Oven – This recipe from Gimme Some Oven shows you how to make a London Fog Latte at home using simple ingredients like Earl Grey tea, milk, honey, and vanilla extract. The recipe includes step-by-step instructions and helpful tips for getting the perfect froth on your milk.
  • London Fog Latte (Starbucks Copycat) – Sugar and Soul – This recipe from Sugar and Soul is another great option if you want to make a London Fog Latte at home. It uses only four ingredients and is super budget-friendly. The recipe includes tips for frothing your milk and customizing your drink to your liking.

These external links can provide you with more information about London Fog Latte caffeine content, nutritional information, and recipes to make it at home.

More FAQs


London Fog Latte Caffeine

Is there caffeine in a London Fog latte?

Yes, there is caffeine in a London Fog latte. The amount of caffeine in a London Fog latte varies depending on the size of the drink and the recipe used by the barista. According to Caffeine Park, a tall 12 oz London Fog latte from Starbucks contains 60 mg of caffeine, while a short 8 oz London Fog latte contains approximately 40 mg of caffeine.

Will a London fog keep me awake?

If you are sensitive to caffeine, a London Fog latte may keep you awake. However, the amount of caffeine in a London Fog latte is less than that of a cup of coffee. So, if you are looking for a drink to keep you awake, a London Fog latte may not be your best choice.

Can London Fog be decaf?

Yes, London Fog can be made decaf. You can ask your barista to make your London Fog latte with decaf tea. However, keep in mind that the decaf version may not taste the same as the regular London Fog latte, as the flavor of the tea may be different.

What does a London Fog coffee taste like?

A London Fog latte has a unique flavor that is hard to describe. It tastes like a creamy, sweet, and slightly floral tea latte. The flavor comes from the combination of Earl Grey tea, milk, and vanilla syrup. The tea has a citrusy and floral flavor, while the milk and vanilla syrup add sweetness and creaminess to the drink. If you are a fan of tea lattes, you will love the taste of a London Fog latte.


In conclusion, the London Fog Latte is a delicious and popular tea latte. It is perfect for individuals seeking a caffeine boost without experiencing the jitters. The caffeine content in a London Fog Latte can vary based on factors such as the type of tea used, the size of the drink, and the amount of milk added.

According to Caffeine Park, a small-sized London Fog Latte made with Earl Grey tea contains about 40 mg of caffeine, while a larger size can contain up to 80 mg of caffeine. However, it’s important to note that the caffeine content can vary depending on the type of tea used.

If you’re looking for a low-caffeine alternative, you can opt for a London Fog Latte made with decaf Earl Grey tea. Decaf tea contains only a small amount of caffeine, usually less than 5 mg per cup.

Overall, London Fog Latte is a great choice for tea lovers who want a delicious and creamy drink with a moderate amount of caffeine. Just be sure to check the caffeine content before ordering and enjoy this tasty drink in moderation.


London Fog Latte Caffeine Recipe

London Fog Latte

  • Author: Anna
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 1 serving 1x
  • Category: Beverage
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: English
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • 2 Earl Grey tea bags
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon lavender extract (optional)
  • Honey, for sweetening (optional)


  1. Boil water and steep the Earl Grey tea bags for about 5 minutes.
  2. While the tea is steeping, heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it’s warm but not boiling.
  3. Remove the tea bags from the water and add the vanilla syrup to the tea.
  4. Froth the warm milk using a milk frother or by whisking vigorously.
  5. Pour the brewed tea into a mug, add lavender extract if desired, and then pour in the frothed milk.
  6. Sweeten with honey if desired, and stir gently.
  7. Enjoy your London Fog Latte!


For a caffeine-free version, you can use decaffeinated Earl Grey tea bags. Adjust the sweetness according to your preference, and feel free to experiment with different milk alternatives for a personalized twist.


  • Serving Size: 1 latte
  • Calories: 120
  • Sugar: 15g
  • Sodium: 70mg
  • Fat: 3g
  • Carbohydrates: 20g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 5g
  • Cholesterol: 12mg

Keywords: London Fog Latte Caffeine

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